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Sofia Hebberman

Hi, I'm Sofia.

Welcome to Divergence: Healing  Resilience  Destiny


I have been helping people navigate the journey of their lives for over 20 years.

I've always been intrigued by how people heal, grow, change and live and often been frustrated at the pain that seemed to be involved in healing the past. I have been searching for methods that work, that work quickly and that last.


I have also found that the most fulfilment comes from change work that not only deals with the past but builds a future you wants to be part of. I used to joke that I would like a holiday... but everywhere I go, there I am! 


I believe in working on myself first and I only use techniques and tools with my clients that I know work and that I have used in my own life.


I specialise in helping people find the cause of what is bothering them and deal with those things as efficiently as possible. Most of the things which bother us, like post traumatic stress, ongoing stress, phobias, anxiety, depression and emotional/anger management had a starting point. When we find the starting point, it is the beginning of finding the end point of the pain and the start of a whole new chapter.


I love it when something that has seemed overwhelming or immovable suddenly shifts and you experience lightness, relief and hope.


After doing various roles in the public and private sector,  including working as head teacher within a high school music department and director of a charity specialising in interpersonal and intrapersonal development, 

I feel so grateful to be working with people the way I get to now.


“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,

but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Maria Robinson


I believe that no matter what has happened in life, it's possible to leave the past in the past. I believe, with the right tools, that change can happen as quickly as you want it to and are ready for. I have confidence and hope that anyone can achieve what they are made for and that having someone to support you in that speeds the process and can cut years out of your learning curve.


Thank you for stopping by & I hope you find the articles and exercises helpful & if you would like to explore working together or have a question about anything you read or experience, then please get in touch


Wishing you all the best in life and love, 




BmusEd, Certified Havening Techniques® Practitioner, COSCA Counselling Certificate (SVQ 8)  ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring, UofN qualifications in Community Counselling and Leadership, Advanced SOZO practitioner 



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